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Serving Collegeville, Montgomery & Chester County, Pennsylvania (PA) & Surrounding Areas

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(610) 539-6783


Pond-Free Waterfalls

Installation & Maintenance Service Contractor

Serving Collegeville, Montgomery & Chester County, Pennsylvania (PA)

No Pond-Free Waterfall Project Too Big Or Too Small.

Apple Ponds & Water Features installs Atlantic | Oase Pond-Free Disappearing Waterfall & Stream Systems around Collegeville, PA, serving the Montgomery & Chester County surrounding areas, for all of our waterfall installations and retrofitting projects. Kits installed offer a complete solution for every waterfall system that we build, from pump vaults and pumps that allow for larger volumes of water, to versatile waterfalls that can be upgraded as landscapes mature and larger waterfalls are desired.

We simply choose a Pond-Free Kit that comes with all the equipment, liner and plumbing we’ll need to complete your project, without having to put your project on hold to run out to find a “quick fix” to rig it together. If you live in the areas around Collegeville, PA, Contact Us to learn more about this waterfall system.

Great Waterfalls Start With
Great Installation Products

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About Our Atlantic | Oase Pond-Free Waterfalls

The Atlantic | Oase Pond-free System makes below ground reservoir construction simpler, easier and more reliable. Sturdy Pump Vaults, Extensions and Eco-Blox create underground reservoirs that are stronger and safer than ever before. Above ground, FastFalls lead the industry with unmatched weight capacities and virtually leak-proof design. Innovative components make the Atlantic | Oase family of Pond-free products the best ever built. And perfect for installations in our areas of Montgomery & Chester County, PA.

Pond-Free Waterfall System
Pond Kits
  • Strongest water matrix blocks, vaults and spillways in the industry for longevity and piece of mind
  • Modular reservoir system accommodates water features of any size for the greatest versatility
  • Kits with pre-matched components take the guesswork out of specifying water features
  • FastFalls spillways with rear liner attachment eliminate leaks due to settling
  • Pump Vaults have multiple drill points and outlet locations for the greatest number of installation options
  • Eco-Blox can be built to create stacked assemblies for easier installation and deeper reservoirs

Atlantic | Oase's Pond-Free & Waterfalls Gallery

​Browse through the Atlantic | Oase Pond-Free & waterfall idea gallery. If you like one project or another and think you might be interested in getting a quote from us, Contact Us so we can get you an accurate quote for your yard. Also please supply us with a photo of the area you are considering for your installation so we can accurately design and quote you pricing, before we come out to visit with you.

Get in touch with us

Serving Collegeville, Montgomery & Chester County, Pennsylvania (PA) & Surrounding Areas

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(610) 539-6783

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